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Writer's pictureSarah Jo

Flower Farming during Covid-19

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Many dear friends have asked us how we're doing and D Magazine gracefully spotlighted our struggles in a recent article. Here's an update on our flower farm, how we're keeping hope alive and how you can help.

Flower farmers are naturally optimistic. After-all, we plant our crops and then watch them be subject to a myriad of things out of our control: weather, pests, seed availability, etc. Then we trust it will all work out fine. And while we work incredibly hard to make that trust well placed, we're ever aware that much of our success is not really up to us.

But instead of a spring tornado wiping out our crops, a pandemic has wiped out our ability to sell those crops. Blooms are bursting and there's no where for them to go. The world has shut down. People are fighting for their lives. The beauty we're so proud of growing is stuck and with it our very future.

Yet, we're optimists. When the winds flatten a crop, we plant another; when the pests devour a row, we plant another; and when the pandemic leaves us with lots of unsold flowers? We plant some more. It's what a farmer does. They plant, no matter what. And until the time comes when we can plant no more, we'll be here.

How you can help:


As the restrictions are lifted, whenever that may be, we will need to move our blooms out of the fields and into your hands as soon as possible. Subscribing is the best way to keep track of how we are and the moment our flowers will be available again! It's also an easy, free way to get a dose of beauty straight to your inbox.


Tell your friends about our story. Having a local, sustainable option for beautiful cut flowers is huge. Share our posts, forwards our e-mails, text our website link :) The more people who have access to fresh, seasonal flowers from the farm, the quicker we'll all bounce back from the difficulty of this time.


We know this is not possible for everyone. As small business owners, our hearts are broken for many of the hourly wage workers who've been spun into financial danger. We know how scary that can be. If you're financially secure, fill your life with the joy of flowers. Our Summer and full-season bouquet subscriptions are still available for purchase.

SAVE (the date):

We are committed to participating in the Saint Michael's Farmers Market. We have hope that sometime during the year it will be able to operate. For now, keep an eye on April 25th, the tentative opening date for the market.

Because of that farmer optimism, I believe we'll survive this. I'm not sure, but I have hope. I see millions of people in isolation and I trust it will make a difference. In the meantime, your support profoundly impacts us and reminds us everyday that we truly are in it together.

With love and hope,

Sarah Jo

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